The moment during your period when you soak through your pad or tampon and get blood on your clothing… again.
While it’s a moment that feels so debilitating and embarrassing, it’s not all that uncommon to experience a time or two over the course of your menstruating years. In fact, a recent Hologic survey found that nearly half (49%) of U.S. women said they have leaked through their clothing.1 However, if this is happening every time you get your period, it might be a sign of a more serious issue.
If you’re bleeding through your pad or tampon frequently and now asking yourself, “well, how much blood is too much blood?” – you’re in the right place. Let’s talk about it!
Typically periods last 3 – 7 days and you will bleed 80 ml or less (around 2 shot glasses), which should require the use of less than 16 regular tampons, 12 regular pads, or 3 full, 25 ml menstrual cups during a full cycle. While everyone’s period is different, if you’re soaking through your pad or tampon every 1 – 2 hours, you’re likely experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) which could be a sign of a larger issue like fibroids or polyps.
Could Uterine Fibroids be the Reason You’re Bleeding Through Your Clothing?
Uterine fibroids, which are noncancerous tumors that grow in the smooth muscle cells of the uterus, affect up to 77% of women during their childbearing years2 and can cause a variety of symptoms including:

- Heavy and painful or prolonged periods
- Stomach, lower back and pelvic pain
- Anemia
- Stomach protrusion
- G.I. issues like gas and constipation
- Infertility and pregnancy loss
- Painful sex
- Frequent urination
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should definitely talk to your doctor. This discussion guide can help you facilitate the conversation and lead you and your doctor to the best treatment option for YOU.
Uterine Fibroid Treatment Options
For those diagnosed with uterine fibroids, it’s important to know there are minimally invasive and uterine preserving treatment options that can help you find symptom relief.
- The Acessa® procedure is a minimally invasive method of treating your fibroids performed laparoscopically. It was designed to preserve the uterus and focus treatment only on the fibroid, causing it to soften and shrink over time, relieving symptoms caused by fibroids. In a clinical study, women experienced a quick return to work in 4-5 days and long-term satisfaction and relief after the Acessa procedure.
- The MyoSure® procedure is a hysteroscopic treatment that removes intrauterine fibroids without having to remove the uterus. The MyoSure procedure can be performed in a doctor’s office in 15-30 minutes and has a short recovery time.
Want to Learn More About Your Period? To help you understand your period and what your symptoms might be telling you about your health, check out our symptom quiz!
Ready to Talk to a Doctor? Use our physician finder to find a doctor to talk to about your symptoms or a surgeon who offers minimally invasive uterine fibroid treatment options near you.
Better is possible, and it starts today!
1This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of Hologic between May 10-12, 2022 among 997 female adults ages 18+.
2 John Hopkins Medicine, Fibroids,