Why have over 3 million women trusted NovaSure global endometrial ablation (GEA) to treat their abnormal uterine bleeding? It is the most trusted, most studied, and most widely used endometrial ablation procedure.
NovaSure endometrial ablation with SmartDepth™ Technology continuously monitors and measures tissue impedance to ensure a customized, and reproducible depth of ablation. The only GEA designed to shut off power delivery upon reaching a clinical endpoint, the NovaSure procedure with SmartDepth™ Technology offers physicians the tools to provide uniform yet customized results to a patients’ unique anatomy resulting in better outcomes. 5 Check out the animation and new product brochure to learn more about why the NovaSure procedure is the gold standard in endometrial ablation.
Find additional information in our product brochure.
- NovaSure ADVANCED Instructions for Use
- Hologic, Inc. Data on file, 2018. Based on units shipped, 2004-2018
- Minerva Surgical data, 2021 presented at JP Morgan Healthcare Conference
- NovaSure Endometrial Ablation IFU